Best Open Source Test Management Tools

  • Tue, 06/09/2015 - 01:51 by aatif

Best Open Source Test Management Tools



Tarantula is a free and open-source test management tool. It is an advanced testing tool that does software testing in an agile software project. The basic goal of this software is to become the best open-source test management tool in various filed like Testing, Agile Testing, Usability, and Reporting. It is a Java Web Crawler software tool. It provides multiple features to their user such like it provide scalability, multithreading, high performance, does test cycle planning using a number of labs, allows test case management & requirement management, do collaborating & provide user permission for handling group management. It allows you to integrate this testing tool with any bug tracker. It provides a very secure authentic and full backup environment. It has been released under a license GNU GPLv3.



QABook is an open-source test management tool that can be implemented on the individual, team, and in an entire company. It gives you the freedom to create manage and edit requirements, test runs, test defects, test cases, reporting environments,s, etc. It is a very simple tool and has been designed to enable simple and flexible upgrades. It allows the user to create projects and testing other arts facts and then distributes to a team member. It has been released four versions of QABook. These four versions are Desktop, BugReach, BugShare, and Enterprise. Each of these four versions has some specific features. It uses SQLserver database to store the data and the download size is 4GB.



Testopia is an open-source featured enrich test case management extension for Bugzilla. It was build and design for tracking test cases. It is a generic tool provide the permission of testing organizations and to integrate bug report with test case run result. The design of this tool is very comprehensive it also works for track and testing virtually anything in the engineering process. It also allows the user to attach the bugs result for centralized management. It presents an excellent web-based graphical user interface. Testopia allows the single test management interface by integrating with Bugzilla product. It supported CSV export of test cases and results, XML export, and import of test plans and children.



Radi is an open-source test directory tool. This tool is very light weighted and written in Python language. This software tool is very easy to use requires the least simple operation by the user as compared to other directory tools. Radi provides very comprehensive features like the user login password authentication process and generates the comprehensive report in CSV file format. It also provides the features of testdrictory like user management, saves the backup,test plan, create and update test image, etc. This tool is very good for maintaining the result in spreadsheets. By using the Radi software tool you can view image results from the view result utility. It has been released under BSD License, GNU Library, or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2).



RTH (Requirements and Testing Hub) is an open-source test management tool. It is we based tool. This tool has been designing very comprehensively to fulfill some specific requirements like tests, test results, and defects throughout the application life cycle. For increasing the visibility of the testing process and software testing it used a structured approach. RTH provides a number of features to their user some of the main features are it provides the facility to upload supporting documents for your test cases, it import test cases by using Microsoft Excel template file, provide test result management, test case management, provide graphical reporting status, support multiple processes, etc.