The Best Open Source Applications Development Tools

  • Sat, 06/20/2015 - 01:55 by aatif

The Best Open Source Applications Development Tools



opens source application development tool
D3 (Data-Driven Documents) is an open-source tool for data visualization in Web documents. By using D3 you can manage the scatter or arbitrary data to document the object model. And by using D3 you can apply data-driven transformations to the document. By using D3 you can generate an HTML table for a different array of numbers. It enhances the life of data by using HTML, CSS, and SVG. It provides powerful visualization components and provides the capability of modern browsers without using any appropriate framework. D3 is very fast and provides dynamic interaction and animation and you can reuse code through a diverse collection of components and plugins.

opens source application development tool is a free and open-source JavaScript framework. It provides assistance for creating smooth and complex UIs for screen and 3D layout engines that can be integrated with 3D physics animation engine. This JavaScript framework is also used for creating hybrid mobile and mobile web apps of high quality. It is free and used by anyone and it also provides the integration facility, integration of Backbone, Cordova, and jQuery are well underway. for tooling used Node.js and Grunt. For understanding, this framework 15 demos are available online on the site and you can download the project in a zip file.



opens source application development tool
jQuery is a free and open-source cross-platform JavaScript library. It is the most famous JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. Syntax of jQuery is designed very easy such that developers easily navigate a document, create animation, develop Ajax application, select DOM elements and handle the events. It also facilitate the developer to create the plug-in on JavaScript library. The code of jQuery is very light weighted and portable. jQuery provides the list of features to their user like it provide event, effect and animation, JSON parsing, support multi browser, utilities and many more.



opens source application development tool
Git is an open-source distributed revision control system. Git was initially designed and developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development it emphasis on data integrity, speed, non-linear workflows, and support for distribution. It is designed in such a way that it handles small to large projects in a very efficient way and provide the branching model which provides safe experimentation. Git programs are written in C language and they provide the cryptographic authentication of history. Git design consists of pluggable merge strategies and periodic explicit object packing.



opens source application development tool
Atom is a free and open-source text editor and source code editor for OS X, Linux, and Windows developed by GitHub. It is also called a hackable desktop editor. You can alter it according to your needs because it provides the freedom of customization. Atom can be used as an IDE and it is written in CoffeeScript. List of features provided by Atom are file system browser, provide multiple panes, Snippets, and Code folding, clean preferences UI, import TextMate grammars and themes, fuzzy finder for quickly opening files, multiple cursors and selections, and many more.