Web Real Time Communication Technology
We cannot ignore the importance of technology in the field of communication. We also know the importance of communication in every field of life. Technology has changed the way of communication. Communication becomes fast and reliable which was not before as. Communication in business plays a key role to increase productivity and efficiency. Advancement in communication technology eliminates all the hurdles in the way of communication. Now your documents sent within few seconds, communication outside the country becomes easy, video calling and call conferencing create a huge impact on business communication.
Web Real-Time Communication(WebRTC) is another chain of advancement in the field of communication technology. WebRTC is a free and open-source browser-based communication project. The purpose of this project is to embed data, real-time voice, video, and instant messaging in a web browser. World Wide Web Consortium is managing this project. W3C manages and enables to use of the browser to browser communication without any additional plug-ins. By using the same browser you can communicate with each other and enjoy different features like voice, video, and text. Currently, WebRTC supported browsers are Opera, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.
WebRTC also provides the APIs by using these APIs developers can get the benefits of this technology in any web browser. HTML5 and JavaScript languages are used for the development of WebRTC applications. WebRTC provides three types of APIs. The first one is GetUserMedia, this is used to capture and indicate the camera for video and microphone for voice. The second one is Peer Connection this API is used to facilitate the setup of audio and video calls. The final third API is DataChannels, this is used to support peer-to-peer data transfer between the browsers.
WebRTC provides us cost-effective video and audio communication solution. No need to buy expensive equipment and book a conference room and schedule video conferencing. WebRTC technology provides an ease to reach more users immediately because everyone can use this cost-effective technology without any hurdle.