Open Source Human Resource Management Software

  • Sun, 09/06/2015 - 02:07 by aatif

Human resource management software are used to managing different organizational activities. Various activates which HRM software are effectively manage are recruitment, selection, update employee database, performance evaluation, payroll, health, safety, leave and attendance. To achieve productive efficiency integrates different business functions in one package.Today's global market it is important for companies to hold their most valuable asset(human resource). Because success of any company just not depends on strategies,products and technology human resource is also play very vital role in the success of company over all effort.

Open Source Backup Software For Linux and Unix-like Systems

  • Sat, 09/05/2015 - 01:36 by aatif

Backup software are computer programme which designed in such a way that to copy important data in the event of a hard drive failure, user error, disaster or accident.They create similar copy to restore the original contents in the event of data loss.These type of software also known as a name of disaster recovery tools.Backup software realy an important development.It save importance data from losing, keep secure your important business documents if mistakenly or through virus they damage. There exist number of backup software each has some unique and distinct features. But in this article i have focus on open source backup software for Linux and Unix system. Lets see some of the top backup software.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages Of Open Source Software

  • Fri, 09/04/2015 - 02:07 by aatif

Open source technology can be define as a development process which allow user to get the source code and modify it according to his need. After the initial process of development the development community is enter to second face of evolution where thousands of professional developers throughout the world highlight potential flaws, bugs and security glitches. Their feedback is very important for the improvement of application. Open source is not a way to freely debuggin application,it help new developer to learn the code and create their own application.

Open Source Antivirus Softwares

  • Thu, 09/03/2015 - 02:27 by aatif

Antivirus software we also known as anti-malware software is a computer software which used for prevent, detect and remove malicious software. The basic purpose of antivirus development was to detect and remove virus in computers. Antivirus become the need of the users who run internet in computer, because in internet enable computer chances of virus affection increase.Some antivirus software are commercial and you need to pay for these software annualy. If you have not enough budget to pay for antivirus than open source antivirus is a best choice,you can use it freely.Lets see some of the top open source antivirus software.

Open Source Hotel Management Systems

  • Wed, 09/02/2015 - 02:12 by aatif

Open source software big advantage is its code is publicly open, it allow you to modify the code according to your need and also share this. Open source software has advantages its economical as compare to commercial software. Their community more supportive and collaborative. Companies whose budget are tight prefer open sources solutions.Most complex and robust solution are offered as open source version.Open source hotel management system is very complex software solution,for making these type of system take more time and effort. Lets see some of the best hotel management software.

Hosted PBX Offer Benefits For Small Businesses

  • Tue, 09/01/2015 - 01:50 by aatif

PBX which we known as Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is a system which enables companies to manage their voice calling and allow all users to share a certain number of external phone lines. Private Branch Exchange consist of some services such as call routing programs,calling extension and customer management system. It is available in hosted and on premises based.Hosted PBX is known as services of PBX features and and call platform which are offered by service providers. Service provider also provide the services of Maintenance, setup and host the infrastructures and tool. The user access it through Internet Protocol (IP) from service providers.

Open Source Web-Based Project Management Softwares

  • Thu, 08/27/2015 - 01:44 by aatif

Project management software can be used for achieving different purpose, it is not only used for managing software based project. The web based software provides different tools such like tool for planning,organizing and resource management for gaining and managing software based project. You can access web based software by using a web browser and not need to install any other software to access this. Some open source project management software are multi-user software. Lets see some of the best open source project management web based software.

Open Source Network Management Projects

  • Wed, 08/26/2015 - 01:31 by aatif

Open source is known as a computer software programs which is available for general public and its source code is also open and available for modification. It is the effort and contribution of developers which continuously working on open source codes and share there collaborative effort in open source community. Any user of open source product is customize the code to fulfill their needs.Open source projects are available under free of cost support such like most of the open source projects has forum where member of forum gives free of cost help.In some open source project we also take commercial support. Lets see best open source network management projects

7 Term Understand Before Looking Business Phone System

  • Tue, 08/25/2015 - 01:59 by aatif

When you enter in any filed you have to learn some basics terms of these filed as we call these term jargon of specific filed. Same like as when you look business phone system you must need to understand the jargon of Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP).It is very important to educate yourself about different terms of this technology. Lets see some of the basic term which most frequently used in VoIP communication related filed.

Features And Advantages OF Softswitch

  • Sun, 08/23/2015 - 01:20 by aatif

Softswitch is a devices which used for telecommunication. We also known softswitch as software switch. As softswitch is a software it install on computer. Across telecommunication network it connects telephone calls from one phone line to another. This softswitch device used for making IP to IP phone calls and it is used for different mode of packet protocols.Softswitch is very excellent software application. It is very easy to control for communication. It is very simple and easy to use even a layman can easily use this. By using softswitch you can easily handle the list of huge clients for packet data switching.

Merits And Demerits Of Call Center Outsourcing

  • Fri, 08/21/2015 - 02:25 by aatif

Call Center Outsourcing become the trend between the different brands and businesses few past decade. Outsourcing is an alternative to in-house staffing. In outsourcing sending work to abroad due to cheap labor costs,reduced technology and equipment purchases, and bigger customer accommodation etc. But some businesses embraced outsourcing. Outsourcing also have some disadvantages. Before going to outsourcing every one should consider its merits and demerits.

What Is Business VoIP - Features And Benefits Of Business VoIP

  • Thu, 08/20/2015 - 01:45 by aatif

Business VoIP services we known as commercial versions of residential VoIP services. It provide the small and medium sized businesses with advanced features and functionality such as conference calling, private branch exchange (PBX) capabilities, music on hold, desk-to-desk calling, and automated attendants. Most of the residential plan consist of of simple flat-rate pricing structure which allow only one call at a time but in case of Business VoIP provider provides plans which are supported multiple simultaneous calls.

Requirements And Features Of Residential VoIP

  • Wed, 08/19/2015 - 01:21 by aatif

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is used by utilizing high-speed Internet connection allow callers in order to make and receive phone calls. With the growth of high speed internet Voice over Internet Protocol available at less monthly rates for residential consumer. Services which provided by VoIP for residential user are lower as compare to traditional telephony.It provide number of features to their user. Due to changing in VoIP technology more and more features produced in VoIP telephony system. List of features provided by residential VoIP greater than conventional phone companies.

Contact Center Can Boost Your Business

  • Tue, 08/18/2015 - 00:51 by aatif

Contact Center is also known as customer interaction center is an integral part in business or organization from which all client contacts are managed. Usually Contact Center consist of one or more call centers. But its functionality is much wider than online call center. It consist different type of customer contacts like including e-mail newsletters, postal mail catalogs, Web site inquiries and chats, and the collection of information from customers during in-store purchasing. A Contact Center is generally consider as a part of organization customer relationship management.

The Benefits of Using VoIP for Your Business

  • Sun, 08/16/2015 - 01:33 by aatif

VoIP communication is a form of communication which enable us to make phone calls by using internet connection instead of using analog telephone lines. Usually VoIP allow you to call those who received the calls on internet. By using interconnected VoIP service you will be able to call land lines number and also received from landmines numbers. VoIP enable business and computer user to do telephony calls from a desktop computer which are equipped with a VOIP phone. VoIP communication provide significant benefits to their user.

How Quality of Service can affect In VoIP Calls

  • Fri, 08/14/2015 - 01:36 by aatif

Quality of Service (QoS) is defined as ability of network to access number of maximum bandwidth and deal with other network elements like error rate, uptime and latency which effects the performance. There are several meaning of Quality in networking,in simple way we can say that Quality is some thing in which speak clear voice,listen clearly without any noise. Service in VoIP means services which offered communication facilities to their consumer.

Selecting a Wholesale VoIP Provider for your buisness needs

While communicating with my new customers in the last 10 years, The top questions that I faced, were related to VoIP Provider. The customer with previous experience with VoIP faces no issues selecting and configuring a VoIP Provider however It was really a difficult task for a new customer to find out a suitable VoIP Provider for his needs. A customer with no background in the VoIP industry hardly grasps the basics of VoIP and consequently, he faces difficulty to select a proper VoIP Provider.

SIP Trunking - What Are The Benefits Of SIP Trunking

  • Thu, 08/13/2015 - 01:04 by aatif

Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) is the communication protocol use to set up communications over the Internet. In Sip trunking VoIP provide the connection of a private branch exchange (PBX) to the Internet. It create the direct connection between your organization and an Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSP).SIP trunk replace the traditional analog phone line,SIP trunking provide the same and more than traditional analog phone line services. The main difference between the traditional analog and SIP trunking is traditional analog use physical wire while SIP trunk used virtual phone line.

Role Of Unified Communication In Business

  • Wed, 08/12/2015 - 01:12 by aatif

Unified Communication is defined as a communication system that consist of a wide range of applications and technologies which control at a single communication platform. Unified Communication support real time communications like Video conferencing,instant messaging,call control,VoIP and as well non real time communications like unified messaging,integrated voicemail, e-mail, SMS and fax.

Best Programming Languages For Learner

  • Tue, 07/28/2015 - 01:16 by aatif

Java is one of the world most popular programming language. It is a general purpose programming language developed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems. It can be run on all platforms that supported Java,you can run it on Java virtual machine without consideration of computer architecture. It is little hard to learn therefor in most schools first learn C/C++ to full understanding Java language because lot of its syntax from those earlier languages.

The Best Open Source Survey Applications

  • Sat, 07/25/2015 - 00:59 by aatif

FluidSurvey is an open source online Survey Software Solution. This application used worldwide and not for profit,small business, industries and education institutions are its main users. It is very comprehensive application and designed in such a way to collect and analyze data from its customers. By using FluidSurvey you can get feedback from employees,conduct customer satisfaction polls,gather market research and academic research and many more.

Best Open Source Unified Modeling Language Tools

  • Fri, 07/24/2015 - 01:12 by aatif

ArgoUML is an open source Unified Modeling Language tool. It is written in Java language and released under open source Eclipse Public License. You can run it on any Java based platform and it is available in 10 languages. It has very user friendly graphical user interface (GUI). The user interface is split in different panes are explorer,ToDo and details. ArgoUML provide diagramming features which are easy to used and provide help in formatting,allign process.

Best Open Source Business Intelligence Tools

  • Tue, 07/14/2015 - 00:54 by aatif

Jaspersoft is an open source software vendor main focused on business intelligence,reporting and analytic, including data visualization also. By using Jaspersoft you can interact with report charts, filtering, and formatting of column values and headers, tables including on-the-fly sorting. Its comes with comprehensive dashboard and it also provide the collection of interactive reports, charts, and external web content in single screen. Jaspersoft BI Suite is beneficial for both business and IT audiences.

Open Source Knowledge Management Applications

  • Fri, 07/10/2015 - 00:58 by aatif

Zendesk is a software development company, that wants to improve the customer services and providing a SaaS suite that offers help desk ticketing, issue tracking,online forums, RSS and widgets and customer service support. It provide the customer support portal solution and an integrated on-demand help desk. Approximately 40,000 customers trust on Zendesk. The users of this applications are Freelancers, Large Enterprises, Mid Size Business, Non Profits, Public Administrations, Small Business.

Best Open Source Email Clients for Linux

  • Wed, 07/08/2015 - 01:08 by aatif

Mozilla Thunderbird is a free and open source email client. It is not only email client but it also used as news, and chat client developed by the Mozilla Foundation and this foundation also developed the Firefox browser and Firefox OS. Mozilla Thunderbird has a beauty it supported cross platform like it install on on Windows, Mac and Linux. It also provide the features of customization you can tailored it according to your requirement.

Best Open Source Linux Media Servers for the Enterprise

  • Tue, 07/07/2015 - 01:14 by aatif

MediaTomb is an open source UPnP MediaServer.Its comes with very beautiful web user interface and released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).It supported multiple operating system like x86, Alpha, ARM, MIPS, Sparc, and Power PC with support for Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Mac OS X. By using MediaTomb you can stream your digital media through your home network and watch/listen it different type of UPnP compatible devices.

Best Open Source Configuration Management Tools

  • Sat, 07/04/2015 - 01:03 by aatif

Ansible is a free configuration management tool. It is a simple automation system for managing and configuring computers. It is created by Michael DeHaan author of the provisioning server application Cobbler. Ansible is used for different configuration applications like cloud provisioning,configuration-management,ad-hoc task-execution. It also used for managing nodes over power shell and multi node deployment.

Best Open Source Image Editor Tools

  • Wed, 07/01/2015 - 01:55 by aatif

darktablev is an open source image editor photography tool. It is a work flow application and raw developers which consist of virtual lightable darkroom for photographers. It is written in C language and supported major Linux distribution. It has a ability to handle the large number of images very easily. darktable provide the zoom able user interface and has zero latency full screen. The basic image operation


  • Tue, 06/30/2015 - 00:16 by aatif

inFlow is a free inventory management software solution. It is very useful inventory management software for small and medium size business with 10 or less employees in wholesale, retail or manufacturing. With inFlow free version you can manage 100 products and customer and generate dozen reports but you cannot access some extra advanced features in free version. However free version has no expiration date you can use it unlimited time period. InFlow also provide the integration facility you can integrate it with QuickBooks

Best Open Source Video Editor Softwares

  • Fri, 06/26/2015 - 02:28 by aatif

OpenShot is a free and open source video editor software tool for beginning videographer.It just supported Linux operating system and built with Python, GTK, and the MLT Framework.A layman can easily learn this application,its comes with very good documented helping material.OpenShot is a very feature rich product.List of features presented by OpenShot are it supported different format of video,audio and images,
